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Mary Moussa Rogers

I (any/all - genderfluid) am a Lebanese first-generation college student who was awarded their PhD in clinical psychology from Mississippi State University in 2021 and is currently an assistant professor. I completed my dissertation through Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange and collaborated with 7 countries on the topic of family dynamics and emerging adult outcomes. I also collaborated on the AMENA-PSY campaign to include “MENA” as a demographic category in research data collection. Culture and equity are deeply important to me in all that I do.


In research, I investigate contextual and individual correlates relevant to the development of health risk behavior with a focus on risky sexual behavior and substance use. This research is conducted in S.H.I.P.P. Lab, which stands for systems, health, impulsivity, parenting, and prevention. My passion is to engage in prevention science on campus and in the broader community. I have already started to do this with the first grant awarded in November of 2021 and have begun implementing workshops to education folks on substance use relevant coping skills.


Photo credit Marcus Grimes Photography

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